Class Schedules for Undergraduates, Braniff Graduate School, and Ann & Joe O. Neuhoff Institute for Ministry & Evangelization:
Prior to Registration:
1. Review your advising transcript in Banner and prepare your schedule using the planning sheet. It is also can be found in the course schedule booklet available at the Registrar's Office.
2. Undergraduate students need to meet with your advisor for schedule approval and ALT PIN. Braniff students need to complete the Braniff Advising Form.
3. Check Banner Web to view holds. Office of Finance clearance is required for early registration.
4. Seniors: Verify your intent to Graduate by enrolling in one of the courses depending on your expected date of graduation.
Enrolled students: Click here to view the schedule live on Banner
Class Schedule for Satish & Yasmin Gupta College of Business:
- For the most current selection of courses offered please click on this link: